Water drops.
Status 12/2017

Legal Notices

On this page you will find the terms of use for the website of Hansgrohe SE. Please follow the links if you would like to read more about liability for compensation, Intellectual property rights, terms of use for dealer recommendations or video and film material, terms and conditions.

Before using our website, please read carefully through the following conditions of use which apply to the website. In using our website, you are agreeing to our conditions of use.

Completeness and accuracy of our information

We make every effort to keep this website up-to-date and to provide information that is as accurate and complete as possible. However, we do not assume any liability for the currency of the information or the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information for particular uses.

We reserve the right to cut down on the content at any time or to move it to other subject areas, block it temporarily and/or completely delete it.

Availability of our products and services

Our website is designed merely to provide you with general information about our services. However, our information cannot be construed as the basis of a legal right to particular services, or their complete, uninterrupted or error-free availability. Please note that individual pieces of information on our website may relate to products, programmes or services which are not available in certain countries. Please contact your local Hansgrohe sales partner in relation to products or services which are available in your country.

Third-party content

The following content does not originate from us and does not reflect our opinion, and we therefore accept no liability or responsibility for it:

  • Contributions to any discussion forum that is set up do not originate from us, only from the users involved. We do not check the legality or accuracy of content provided by the users, for example opinions, advice, statements, offers or other information. Our discussion forums must not be used for illegal, defamatory, libellous or offensive statements. The user shall indemnify us against all third-party claims arising from any use of our website which contravenes these conditions of use.
  • We do not assume any responsibility for content on any linked websites.
  • We cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and currency of information about our dealers in the dealer locator.
    We do not monitor this content or search for any factors pointing to illegal activity. If any respective infringements should come to our attention, however, we will remove the information concerned immediately.

Style convention

To make this website more legible, we have dispensed with the use of masculine and feminine forms. It goes without saying that both genders are referred to in all cases.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

German law is applicable to this website. The place of jurisdiction and fulfilment is our registered office, i.e. Schiltach.
This website is also governed by Singapore law. The court of jurisdiction and place of performance is that of our registered office:
Hansgrohe Pte. Ltd
69 Mohamed Sultan Road
Singapore 239015.


Copyright Hansgrohe 2019. All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, audio, video and animation files are subject to copyright and other laws governing the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied for commercial purposes or for distribution, nor may they be modified and used on other websites. Some Hansgrohe websites contain material that is subject to the copyright of the party that has provided it.

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